To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, volume 11【電子書籍】[ Maybe ]

To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, volume 11【電子書籍】[ Maybe ] To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, volume 11【電子書籍】[ Maybe ] To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, volume 11【電子書籍】[ Maybe ]

<p>Intent on stopping Cain Madhouse, Hank and Schaal continue their journey toward New Patria. Along the way, however, they have an unexpected meeting with Arachne. She claims to be acting alone, but her message raises more questions than it answers…Meanwhile, Cain has a reunion with the one man who knows the truth behind the Incarnate project. He holds the key to the Incarnate creation process, which has remained stubbornly beyond Cain’s grasp.What are Cain’s true ambitions?And are Hank’s goals really so different?Those whose fates were upended by the Incarnate project assemble in New Patria for a bloody showdown…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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